Day 19 - The Good Wife

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12 (NIV) Read the entire passage here.

Alright, so I’m sitting down to write this post, and I’ve realized that I have so much to say that I’m wondering why I included this topic. So, forgive me for today’s brevity, I’ve over-compensated.

If being victorious in 2019 means my husband is miserable or unhappy, you can throw it all out the window. For those who are married, part of being happy, successful, and satisfied is having a happy, successful, and satisfying marriage. I don’t subscribe to the train of thought that it’s okay to leave my husband behind for the sake of my own advancement. I guess it’s because I know that he is my partner and biggest cheerleader, and wants to see me achieve greatness.

The vision I have for this year is beyond anything my husband and I have experienced, so we’ve talked about what will happen in certain scenarios. I have prayed earnestly that I don’t neglect my husbands needs because I’m busy in ministry and elsewhere. Because at the end of the day, when I come home from the craziness out in the world, I don’t need to face tension and conflict with the person that gives me the most peace. Most of all, I don’t want to be the cause of tension and conflict.

Anyone who has known Jonathan and I through our marriage knows that it has not been easy. I’m always looking around like “why did we have to go through all of this?” But I know the answer, and it’s evident to me every day: we need each other. Our successes include and depend on each other. Our trials have made us strong to the point where we are ready for anything that comes our way. We are a force to be reckoned with, and we understand that our marriage was truly ordained by God, because it is only through Him that we are where we are today.

Marriage is hard. It’s a lot of work, and it needs and deserves regular maintenance. If you have to set aside some of your goals to seek counseling, go on a marriage retreat, and/or spend dedicated, purposeful time with your spouse, do it. God saw that man cannot be alone; marriage was created for you to be whole and complete, not miserable. Do what it takes to make your marriage fulfilling for the both of you.

So, in conclusion: make your spouse’s happiness a priority this year. Yes, we’re going to mess up, argue, and we’re definitely getting on each other’s nerves. But on December 31, 2019, make sure you will be able to say that you did everything you could for your marriage and spouse.

Food for Thought: (A Message for Jonathan)- Boo, I vow to make you and strengthening our marriage a priority this year. I want you to be happy & I want our time together to be meaningful, peaceful, and full of laughter. I want you to want for nothing in 2019 and beyond. I love you!