Day 20 - The Good Mother

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3 (NIV)


Like yesterday, I have far too much to say on this topic, but I will keep it short and sweet. As a disclaimer, I’m almost certain, and I pray that anyone reading this is neither neglectful or abusive to their children, so my words below reflect that.

Being a mother is no joke. I come before you today as a mom who in the middle of the terrors of potty training; talking about poop and pee far too much, washing way too many clothes, and somehow remaining sane while continuously putting new pairs of Thomas the Train underwear on my son. I used to nanny, and I can tell you that training your own kid is exponentially more frustrating and more difficult than with someone else’s child.

But I am grateful, nonetheless. Motherhood brings so many new and scary experiences, and it also makes us forget how insane we are to want to endure the pains of labor and breastfeeding, changing diapers that have leaked all the way up the back, and deal with the dreaded teenage years. And through it all, somehow, we are supposed to manage societal expectations for being a parent in addition to those that come from our parents, family, in-laws, friends, and even strangers (can we stop scolding mothers, please?).

So, this is your reminder that you are a great mom. Whether you’re a married mom, single mom, an adoptive mom, a spiritual mom, or a mom with a chronic illness, you're doing awesome. You did well last year, and you will do well this year, too. Your child will watch you achieve new levels of success and happiness in 2019, and he/she will grow just from the example you have set. Stop being hard on yourself. I have friends who are fighting through infertility. There are many who are desperate to have all the experiences of parenthood, even the negative ones. Remember to take note of the blessing(s) you have every day in 2019. Make it a priority to spend purposeful time with your children. And always remember, you’re doing your best, and you’re a good mom.  

Food for Thought: Continue to just show unconditional love to your children- it’s really the best thing you can do for them. Remind the mother’s around you that they are doing a good job. Pray for and lend your support those who are battling infertility. Be the encouragement other women need!