After the Rebuild

You have sent troubles and suffering on me, but you will restore my strength; you will keep me from the grave. You will make me greater than ever; you will comfort me again.
— Psalm 71:20-21 GNT

Well, we have made it into another year! 2022 was certainly full of ups and downs, wasn’t it? Some of us may have come out on the other side full of life, while others may have crawled their way into 2023. Regardless of what happened and how we feel about it, we can be confident that God was sovereign over it. And as we look forward, unaware of what this year will bring, we can stand in the assurance that God will again be both present with us and seated on the throne of Heaven simultaneously. 

My 2022 was both amazing and tough. As I wrote in my last blog post (which I apologize for being so long ago), I fought my way through postpartum anxiety. My husband and I settled into our new “normal” as parents of 2. We also took on new roles serving in ministry, and I watched God strengthen my gifts and open doors to new opportunities. As I look back, I understand now that 2022 was a year of rebuilding for myself, and I’m sure it was for some of you as well. 

One thing I have learned is that when God brings us through a process of rebuilding or restoration, we can be confident that the end result will be better than what we started with. We can also guarantee that our “new” selves have been created for a purpose that, although it may not be revealed to us immediately, God has ordained for such a time as this. No moment of pain, no challenge, no learning opportunity, no promotion, no moment of joy, and no prayer uttered will be wasted by God. I believe that there will be times in 2023 when we will look back and understand why we had to go through what we did in 2022. And in those moments of clarity, we must praise God. 

I am excited about how God will use me, as a rebuilt Amanda, in 2023. The ministry assignments I have been given already are energizing and intriguing. Looking forward, I have decided to face even the unknown of 2023 with enthusiasm given God’s track record in bringing everything together for my good. I pray that you will be blessed and He will be glorified as I share my journey with you once again. 

What we do in 2023, whether we enter as rebuilt or are continuing the rebuilding process, matters both in this world and in the Kingdom of God. My prayer is that not only do we have a firm understanding of what God wants us to do this year, but we have the faith and boldness to do it. I pray that He is glorified in both our successes and our failures. Finally, I pray that you continue to be encouraged in your own walk with Him, being confident of His great love for you and knowing that He will be with you in 2023.