A Journey - Day 7

When we are experiencing intense pain or terrible symptoms, our natural inclination is to pull away from God. I've been so miserable I didn't want to pray. I've been disappointed with God to the point I didn't want to think about Him. I've had some very dark times on my journey with chronic illness; so dark, that I would never want anyone else to have to experience it. 

So, I want to encourage you, however much I can, that no matter how hard it gets, no matter how bad you feel, no matter how tired you become, no matter how much doubt you are experiencing, just stick with God. Hold on to your mustard seed of faith and don't put it down, no matter how frustrated or angry you are with Him. 

If you've been following me for a while, you know one of my areas of passion is teaching people about lament and how we can incorporate it into our lives. This journey with chronic illness necessitates lament. If we don't cry out, yell out, give all of these not-so-great feelings to God, we will cut off our connection to Him. God isn't as concerned about how we are coming to Him so much as He is that we are coming to Him. Jesus said “remain in me, as I also remain in you.” (John 15:3 NIV) So, if we can just stay connected to Him, even in the darkest parts of our journey, we will have accomplished a great and benefitial thing. 

We started this journey with "You are not alone." God hasn't, and won't, abandon you. We will end with “Don’t walk this journey alone.” Remember that although it may be challenged, your faith is an asset, not a detriment to your journey. Stick with Him. 

Thank you so much for coming on this 7 day journey with me. I truly pray that something I have said has helped you in your own personal journey, whether that be with or without chronic illness. I don’t want to just leave you here, though. As you continue on, I want to provide you with some encouragement and prayer so that you can continue to persevere. But I dont want to spoil the surprise yet…I’ll be announcing just what that means tonight. If you aren’t on my email list, sign up here so that you can be the first to receive my exciting announcement.