Good Rabbit Holes

This post started out as a brief email update, but apparently, I had more to say than I thought. So here we are…

My blogging and video making have been a bit inconsistent in 2021. I promise it's for good reasons, though. The year 2020 drove my passion for accuracy and pursuit of truth into high gear. I don't want to write just to say I wrote or to fulfill a self-made schedule. I don't want to put out a video that strays from the truth and perpetuates ignorance just to have content. For myself, and for you, I am choosing to dig deeper into the Word and into the depths of my own flawed being in order to grow in my relationship with God.

In this pursuit of better and deeper, I have already gone down several proverbial rabbit holes, that is, studies that have led to new subjects that have led to other subjects, and so on. These wanderings have been good, though, and not just good but enlightening, inspiring, and incredibly valuable. In an effort to release some sort of content for February, I sat down at the edge of agapē - in short, the unconditional, pure love that God displays to us. It didn't take long for me to dive off the edge: what started out at the typical 1 Corinthians 13 has expanded into studies of books, chapters, contexts, and language. What started as a basic lesson has turned into an ever-evolving, clearly lifelong quest of grasping even a small sliver of understanding of God's love.

Yep, I have fallen down the rabbit hole of agapē, and as endless as it seems, it's the best one I've ever found myself descending down. This is the kind of time-consuming, attention-grabbing studying that never feels like a waste of time. Moments of profound revelation have stopped me dead in my tracks. Tears of joy have clouded my eyes from reading. The mere sense of His love has truly overwhelmed me to the point where I just stop studying and allow myself to feel and sit in it.

As I've gone down this “love” free-fall, even in this short span of time, I can see that there's so much more to learn. I'm often reminded of the vast knowledge and wisdom of my grandfather: to me, and probably most of his grandchildren, there was nothing he didn't know. He seemed to have the answer to any question on any subject at any given time. So, one time my brother asked him, "Grandpa, is there anything you don't know?" He replied naturally and simply, "The depth of God's love."

I'm understanding that answer more and more right now. I know there will be a time soon when I have to plant my feet on the ground and share what I've learned whether it be by blog, video, or another form of communication, and I'm so excited to do so. But for now, I'm immensely enjoying the fall, absorbing knowledge, reveling in truth and light, and shifting my perspective through the lens of God's love.

I encourage you to allow yourself to get lost in God's Word as well. Whether it be through studying a particular verse, Biblical history, or a specific Hebrew/Greek word, dig deeper than the surface level. Allow God to push you off the edge into the great depths of His Word. Find what He offers and rejoice that He gives you access to His grace freely, through His great love.