Posts in Strategy
The Ugly Tree

One of the best parts, but also one of the most difficult parts, of committing to and living a Christ-led life is the internal work that has to be done. The pain, resentment, past trauma, anger, character flaws, and so on that have taken root in our hearts continually pop up and cannot be covered up or planted over. They can hinder the growth of our relationships with God and restrict how God can use us.

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Rest ≠ Unproductivity

…even with a chronic illness and during our “inoperable” time, we can still be productive and used by God. You may not have conversations that bring hundreds to believe the Gospel (but let’s not discount His ability to do so), but if this time is wisely spent building yourself up (not just spiritually, but also intellectually, emotionally, and physically), you’re still doing Kingdom work.

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